How to Improve Email Marketing Campaigns

How to Improve Email Marketing Campaigns

Table of Contents

Are you putting all your efforts into email marketing campaigns yet not seeing the desired results? This guide is for you. It will help you transform your email marketing strategy and achieve your targets. But before we dive in, let’s explore what might be going wrong with your current approach.

See Why Your Email Marketing Campaign Isn’t Working

Email marketing is a low-cost and high-impact tactic for reaching out to your desired audience and maximizing your impact on them. You need to learn the next-level strategies to make your email marketing work like never before.

Here are some basic and critical mistakes that most marketers make while running email marketing campaigns. Analyze what errors you have made in your emails so far.

  • Horrible Subject Lines: You might be using horrible subject lines for your emails that your audience didn’t consider opening.
  • Irrelevant Emails: You might be sending irrelevant emails to your audience.
  • Lack of Personalization: You may not be using a personalization approach to address your audience.
  • Poor segmentation: You haven’t made the correct segmentation of your audience. 
  • Ignored Mobile Optimization: you might have ignored optimizing your emails for mobiles. 
  • Incorrect CTAs: You have used weak or incorrect CTAs that didn’t excite your audience.

5 Strategies To Improve Email Marketing Campaigns

Your wait is over. Below are the tested strategies to make undeniable email marketing campaigns. Incorporate these strategies next time in your campaign to get the desired results.

So let’s get to know.

Segment Your Email Lists

Understanding your audience and segmenting them according to their age, behavior, location, and preferences is a common marketing principle that is often overlooked. 

If you want to increase your impact on your audience or get your emails opened, then separate them into segments. Excellent email list segmentation can make a big difference in conversion, and tools can help you perform more effective segmentation.

Effective Subject Lines

The subject line can be a turning point for your email open rate and conversions. As mentioned above, a dreadful subject line can repel customers from opening emails. 

While you write the email subject line, keep it brief and avoid clickbait and all caps. 

Your email subject line should attract attention; let’s take an example. 

Suppose you are a digital marketer sending emails to your customers. Your email should indicate weaknesses in your digital marketing efforts, offer a solution, and route the customer to your agency. 

How would you write a subject line?

Subject Line 

“Track Down Digital Marketing Weaknesses”

Now, this headline addresses the main concern about digital marketing weaknesses, is short, and is effective for mobile.

Use Dynamic Content

People scan before they read. Make your campaign message digestible for your audience by using a mix of images, videos, GIFs, and interactive content that intrigues them and encourages them to read your message.

Let’s continue the above example, 

When your reader opens the mail

Track Down Digital Marketing Weaknesses”

What the reader will expect: Obviously, if a person has opened the mail, he is interested in learning more about digital marketing weaknesses and is most probably looking for an agency that can offer digital marketing services.

Here, the content layout, interactive content placement, and strategic visual look of the email marketing campaign will help viewers easily scan content and comprehend the exact message delivered.

Optimize CTAs

The last part of any marketing campaign is yet the imperative part. This is the final goodbye to your audience. This part can either level up your email marketing message or mess up all your efforts to achieve results.

CTA is a must part of the marketing message. It’s just like topping on the cake. A relevant, clear, concise CTA will make your marketing message as tempting as cake. A good CTA will definitely help you achieve target conversions.

Mobile-Friendly Emails

Fact: More than 70% of emails are opened on mobiles. 

If you want to increase your click-through rate, consider optimizing your mobile campaigns. Choose mobile-friendly email templates with readable font style and size. From the subject line to the CTA, make your reader’s journey smooth and seamless.

Regular Testing

Regularly test your email to identify drawbacks and optimize them according to the latest trends and user ease. In addition, regular testing will help you analyze your campaign performance and give you a clear picture of what needs to be improved to get better results.


If you include all the above strategies in your email marketing message, your campaigns will never be boring or suffer from low click-through rates. Another solution to an effective email marketing campaign is hiring the best email marketing agency in Dubai like ours. Our email marketing team is proficient in crafting campaigns that deliver value to targeted audiences and increase clicks. Interested? Contact our experts for a free 30-minute consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make my email campaign better?

A well-thought-out strategy and following proper processes are required to better your campaign. Best email campaigns include 

  • Understanding audience 
  • Email lists segmentation
  • Clear and concise subject lines
  • Well-written body text
  • Cleaver use of text and interactive content (images, videos, GIFs)
  • Relevant CTA

Does email marketing increase sales?

A resounding yes, email marketing is an effective marketing strategy for increasing brand awareness, reaching target audiences, compelling them to visit your website or social media channels, and ultimately driving them to make a purchase.

Why do I need an email marketing agency?

An agency has a trained and professional team, and they work on strategies rather than randomly sending emails to customers/clients. Stradigi is a leading email marketing Dubai dedicated to delivering outstanding email marketing services to businesses worldwide.