Does Changing Theme Affect SEO?

Does Changing Theme Affect SEO

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Every technicality requires changes at some point in life, which are good for your business if done smoothly, especially for increasing traffic and audience. A single change in your website will affect the whole website, depending on whether your work is negative or positive. Suddenly, you see that the theme is somewhat off-brand, and you want to change it while worrying about its effect on the SEO. The blog highlights the effect of changing themes on your website’s SEO.

Impact of Changing Theme on SEO

The theme of the website is the backbone of the website because it’s the first thing displayed on the website, let’s leave the fact of what’s going in the background. The perfect and well-designed themes do not reflect the technicalities of the website. SEO helps rank your website, making it obvious to the audience. If you want to change the theme, your website can undergo the following SEO changes.

  • Site Speed

The foremost factor is the speed of the site, which defines the performance and optimization of your website. Select the theme that is fast to load because the theme can load your plugins and customizations, making your website take time to load.

If your website takes more than eight seconds to load, google will drop your ranking. Thus, apply a theme that won’t negatively affect the speed of your website.

  • Content Formatting

The theme change will not affect the content of your website, but it can disrupt the formatting of the content. Sometimes, the theme has in-built heading tags that interrupt the already written format of the content. You can remove this redundancy for a smooth flow of your website.

  • Modification of Image Size and Indexation

Theme change can alter the image size according to its new style, which will disrupt the SEO of the image and the alt tags. WordPress disturbs the image, ultimately dropping the chances of smooth downloading. According to the new theme, you should modify and index the image size for better SEO.

  • Metadata SEO

When you change the theme, you’ll lose all the custom data, including metadata like meta description and structured data. This will drop the ranking and SEO of your website pages. To reduce the risk, you can use the plugins like Yoast SEO for the maintenance of your SEO.

  • User Experience

User experience will negatively affect the SEO of your website. How? If your website takes time to load, is unattractive, is low in content, and has a disturbing theme, the user will skip your website. Google analyses the time a user stays on your website page; this time-lapse will decide the ranking of your website. The more time users spend on your website, the higher the SEO ranking will reach, ultimately making your website on Google’s first page. 

Professional Guidance

Maintaining SEO for your website is important for its branding and promotion. You should consult a professional for the SEO so that your website can attract an audience. After changing the theme, the SEO will move slightly, but a professional and experienced SEO expert will help you achieve the goal of ranking your website on the first page of Google. 


To conclude, securing a high ranking on Google’s first page after and before changing the theme is important because it will decide the engagement of your page. Make your website attractive and more interesting with the help of your expert team. Contact Stradigi— a best SEO Company Dubai, for the SEO of your website through which you can keep your website pages on the first page of Google. Thus, keep your trust in your chosen agency and see your website shine bright on Google’s higher ranks. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does it cost to increase your website’s SEO ranking?

The SEO service in Dubai charges for ranking depend on the type of services and the contract time you have with the agency.

How long to wait before changing the new theme of the website?

You should not change the theme of your website constantly because it can disturb the SEO ranking of the website and can have a negative impact on the technicalities going on in the background. 

Is it important to crawl the website before and after the theme change?

Analyzing the report of all Google pages can help maintain the errors occurring on your website. Checking the errors before and after the website theme change is necessary to keep your website page ranking high.