How to Start an Email Marketing Campaign?

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The most important part of promoting the business for a business owner is to learn about the techniques that can extend your business. There are many ways to increase the number of customers for your business, including email marketing. It has many benefits if consistency is what a business owner takes into account seriously. Furthermore, if you’re considering expanding your business through email marketing, you’re at the right place. This blog gives an insight on how to start an email marketing campaign.

What is Email Marketing?

Before delving into the knowledge of starting an email marketing campaign, let’s learn about the basic understanding of email marketing. 

Email marketing is a procedure by which you can promote your business by creating an email list and sending it to the targeted audience. The objective of email marketing is to attract the attention of the target audience, nurture leads, drive engagements, and create market strategies. 

A Comprehensive Guide— How to Start Email Marketing?

Digital marketing is increasing day by day to expand the business globally to have consistent profits and brand awareness of the concerned company. It is crucial to know about starting an email marketing campaign so that you can promote your business to deserved audiences. 

  • Select the Audience

Before sending the emails, you should clearly specify the customers to whom you want to send emails. Defining the audience helps make enlisting the email a lot easier. 

For instance, if your company sells cosmetic products, then your target audience should be women, including teenagers, adults, and older people. You should enlist the emails and send them to the women to grab their attention.

  • Setting of Goal

Setting goals for email marketing is significant because it will ensure the authenticity of your work. Defining the objectives will give clearance on your email marketing strategy and what type of campaign you want to start. It can be welcoming emails, gaining website traffic, requesting donations, raising awareness, advertising, promoting products/services, and many more. 

Once you set the goals, it will be much easier to streamline your work. You can set the timer for when to send the emails, especially when your targeted audience is usually available. 

  • Selection of Platform

A good platform to start the email marketing campaign will help in keeping your work in one place. The streamlining of the work is important because it will enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign. Selecting the best platform for starting your email marketing campaign will demonstrate the feasibility of your work. Moreover, you also have to ensure that sending and accessing emails through the selected platform runs smoothly. Lastly, you should also ensure the platform is powerful enough to meet the level of support and scale you have in mind. 

  • Determination of Compagin Type

Determining the campaign type should have a specific Call to Action (CTA) for your targeted customers. Before thinking of launching your email marketing campaign, you should keep in mind the goals of your campaign and the audience you’ve decided on because it will help you engage your target audience. Following are some campaign types you can have;

  • Promotional 
  • Newsletter
  • Announcements 
  • Donations
  • Educational
  • Reengagement
  • Content or blog updates
  • Welcome emails
  • Transactional emails, and so on.

Note: You should focus on one campaign at a time for a specific time to prevent haphazards. 

  • Email List Building

Email list building means creating a list of emails you want to send to specific individuals. An organic approach to constructing an email listing is the most effective method for reaching the audience. Furthermore, the quality of email list building is significant because the quantity will only waste your and the customers’ time. Instead of creating a big bunch of emails, you should only select the responsive and interested customers. 

  • Segmentation 

Why segmentation is necessary to start an email marketing campaign? When you divide the specific audience into different groups, it will help you determine the responsive audience for that specific campaign. While making segmentation, you should consider the geography, past purchases, demographics, buyer behaviour, email engagements, and buyers’ responses. 

  • Create Email

Email creation and content play a pivotal role in grabbing the attention of the targeted customers. You should create an engaging email and its subject because the more qualitative your email is, the more likely it is to have an interested audience. To increase engagement and effectiveness of the campaign, you should create a unique and expressive email subject and lines for the recipients actually to read your email. 

  • Testing The Email

To check the authentication and engagement of the email marketing campaign, you can create different versions of the emails. Send the different versions of the emails to your audience, and then analyse the results. Your campaign’s outcomes will give you insight into which email version produces the best results.

  • Automation 

You should implement the automation in the emails so that you can save your time. It greatly reduces the time to check and respond to all emails. You can also create different automation for the different segments of your email marketing campaigns. 

  • Follow The Trend with Consistency

Lastly, following the trends in the market can keep you updated with the requirements of the customers. Along with following the trends, consistency is fundamental for a successful email marketing campaign because of the diversity of the digital marketing world. 


In conclusion, an email marketing campaign can help promote and brand your business. You should follow the mentioned steps to maintain a successful email marketing campaign. Furthermore, you can consult digital marketing agencies for this job. A digital marketing agency in Dubai like Stradigi will help you build the best email marketing campaign. Consult them to keep your business sky-high.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is a digital marketing agency costly?

Consulting a digital marketing agency to launch email marketing campaigns will not be much more costly. However, it can be a bit expensive if you try to do it on your own.

Can the digital marketing agency give you all email marketing services?

Yes, the digital marketing agency can give you all the email marketing services with the help of their expertise and specific tools. 

What to do if the customers are not responsive?

If the customers are not responsive, you should check the quality of the email and whether you’re launching the campaigns in front of the right audience. If you find it difficult, consult a digital marketing agency